The No Innocent Victim

As everyone knows, Jesus Christ was killed. He died on a cross as sentenced by the Roman Empire. He was the only true innocent man killed. So, is Jesus the only true innocent victim? No. Not I, not you, not Jesus was an innocent victim. He was the innocent sacrifice.

Was Jesus murdered by angry mob? Was Jesus sentenced to death falsely by a Roman? Was Jesus killed by God?

Yes. No.

Yes, historically all these happened. But they were only the external circumstances that brought forth Jesus’s crucifixion.

No. Why? Because, Jesus died of His own free will. He was not a victim of a mob, a Roman, God. He willingly chose to die. To die as as an innocent man for all those who are not innocent, unrighteous, and who have unclean hands. He died for us. We, all mankind, all who have sinned, all who have been unjust killed Him. He was the sacrifice of atonement for our sin. The sacrifice of the Just for the unjust. Through Him, the unjust with unclean hands are made just. Through the innocent man, we are made innocent.

Yet, this man did not stay dead. He was resurrected. He lives today. He is the only man to defeat death. He now has power of death (Revelation 1:18). He is now the innocent Judge. The right Judge. The Judge who can’t and will never die again.

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